This hotel in Barkot has an inhouse restaurant where guest can enjoy meal. Hotel ChauhanAnnexe is located approximately at a distance of 49 km from Yamnotri Temple.There are 40rooms spread across 4 floors that have a clean bed with bed sheets and pillows.Guest can avail facilities like wakeup calls on request. The attached bathroomincludes 24-hour hot/cold running water.Thisproperty offers front desk and room services for limited hour. This hotel in Barkothas luggage storage and backup generator. Guest can visit places like Surya kund whichis approximately 2 km away from this hotel. Hotel ChauhanAnnexe is approximately 146 km away from Gangotri Dham and 92 km away from LibraryBus Stand.
Chuhhan Annax, 2-star hotel conveniently situated in close proximity to the vibrant market. With a total of 15 rooms, including double bed, triple bed, and four-bed rooms, we offer modern amenities such as hot and cold water, LED TV, and comfortable bedding for a pleasant and enjoyable stay.